Colorado Skies


A Place I Have Never Been To, But Would Like To Visit One Day

Yep, the second title is way too long. But it's true; I would like to visit one day. Hopefully in the spring when the snow has begun to melt. A friend from high school took this photo, during the springtime there in Colorado, where she lives. When she first shared this photo, she asked, somewhat jokingly I think, if I could write a poem for it. There was one attempt, but it wasn't the direction I wanted to go. Attempt number 2 became the following postcard.

Postcard #2:
Eyes from Above

My guardian angel walked with me today.
I told her how much I felt alone,
How I wanted relief from the exhaustive pain.
She looked at me, her brilliant wings opening around me,
And she asked, “What do you want?”

I want to fly!
I want to float on the gusts,
To be carried from horizon to horizon,
To look down on this land where I stand
And count the trees, the lakes, and the fields.

I want to fly!
I want to recline on top of the clouds,
To converse with angels in songs of love,
To be one of the bright shafts of light
And protrude through the clouds to the earth below us.

I want to fly!
I want to rise above this pain-filled body,
To be unburdened of this corporeal machine,
To become part of nature, light and air
And leave behind the dust, the bones and the memories.

The angel folded her wings,
The glow of her celestial power fading slowly away.
Gently she took me by my arm
And we continued walking, back to the living world.

I hesitated. I did not want to go back, not yet.
And she said, “Don’t wish to leave this world so quickly.
There is time enough, still, to live with all you have.
So much more for you to do, yet I cannot tell."

“But you will dream and you will see.
You will feel love, and pain, but you will feel.
I will watch over you, so you will never feel alone.”
And the angel opened her wings again
And with a flash she was gone.

The sky is azure, as blue as the ocean is deep.
Only the clouds are between me and infinity.
I look up to the most dazzling spot.
My angel is there, patiently waiting for me.
